The Bare Minimum In Romantic Relationships

Bare Minimum; What It Is In Romantic Relationships

We usually hear nuanced phrases such as, “do not settle”, “set standards”, “the bar is too low”, “lower your expectations” and others alike. Without asking what they mean explicitly, we seem to have a general understanding of these phrases in relation to the situation where we may find ourselves. Do you have standards? How high are your expectations from a romantic partner? Have you lowered your relationship bar for anyone before?

We may not have any standards set just yet but we all have an idea of what the bare minimum is. The “just enough” amount of effort we receive from someone we have romantic feelings for. The definition of Bare Minimum may be different for everyone. In the sense that what may be minimum for you, constitutes high expectations for someone else. This post will help you measure just how much one’s effort is the bare minimum or not.

Many issues that arise from relationships are partly from determining what one’s partner is required to do without being asked to. This is the bare minimum one expects from their partner. It feels nice to receive attention, thoughtful gifts and be given some space without asking or hinting that you need them. One of the simplest ways to know your partner’s definition for bare minimum is through communication. Talking and listening to each other may provide hints that you need, you may never know.

We can become preoccupied at times with work, school, family or even friends to even notice how neglectful we have been towards our partners. We may expect that they understand this distance and accept it. This may be our bare minimum whilst theirs may be attention. When two people have different ideas about the bare minimum in a situation, how can they arrive at a meeting point where both their needs are met?

The bare minimum includes having the basic decency to do something in a situation. There are social manners that exist in our society and it is expected of everyone to behave as such. There are certain expectations of romantic partners that are basic. Certain expectations such as respect, honesty and reciprocity. If there is respect among you, certain issues that arise when there are different ideas of the bare minimum in a relationship would cease.

If you want to determine what the bare minimum is in a romantic relationship, these are the borders you should define them by; respect, honesty, reciprocity and the most important of all, kindness. Every human deserves to be treated in this manner. This is what the bare minimum feels like and this is what it should border on. So the next time you decide to re-evaluate your standards or expectations, take note of these as you cross your t’s and dot your i’s.

Published by magicandspice

Adwoa Amankwah is a young ghanaian writer. You will find her in the heart of the city where her inspiration is drawn from.

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